There are lots of ways to reduce stress in your life, and that is probably a terrific starting point, but this article is not about that. These are my personal strategies to get moving when you feel stress-frozen. I always suggest beginning with prayer and some time...
Several years ago at a homeschool conference I was giving a talk about Chaos to Order, and ways to handle all the responsibilities of being a godly wife, mother and home educator when someone raised a hand and queried, ” What advice do you have for someone who...
When we booked our December vacation we discussed the many options for getting to our destination. We could have flown. We could have driven. We decided to take a Greyhound bus. With five children going with us, the airfare was going to be a significant expense, and...
I am not a clinician, but a few chapters into this book and you will find yourself reading it incredulously. This author, if she is not clinically OCD, she is awfully close. Her relationship with stuff and her extreme drive to declutter it, as well as to be attached...
How to make a budget – If this is something brand new to you, start with a simple budget like this: Dave Ramsey Simple Budget. Most people take a few months before they have this process down. Start right away and budget in time to look it over each week or...