We do lots of meal preps here that make eating healthy quick and easy. One of my favorites lately is Salad in a Jar. You basically chop up any veggies you like (use up all your leftover ones, too) and stuff them in a jar with lettuce that has been washed and dried well. To make them last several days (up to a week!) there are a few things you can do to make them last longer.
- Wash and dry everything thouroughly.
- Add a piece of fabric or paper towel to the jar to absorb any liquid that forms.
- Store your salad in glass. Nothing else seems to do as well or last as long.
If you get a chance to watch the video, you can hear a snippett of my daughter’s song: Salad in a Jar. She started singing this in the kitchen one day when we were making these in bulk and it cracked us up so much I asked her to record a song, so she did. Isn’t she amazing?