Have you heard of doing reading challenges? One of the challenges of motherhood is finding time to actually read a book. So when my daughters, decided to do reading challenges, I decided to join them.
So here are the details:
Anne (who blogs at www.notesofalltypes.com) is doing the Popsugar reading challenge.
I am planning to do the Popsugar challenge, but have decided to give myself grace. If I really hate a book, I am going to substitute it for something else I want to read. (I have not yet told this little fact to the girls yet, so shhhhh).
There are a lot of categories, so it should lead to some interesting books this year.
My first book will be: Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist.
This falls in the category of: Book recommended by an author you love. It was recommended by Crystal Paine, who blogs at Money Saving Mom.
Have you ever done a reading challenge? How many books do you read a year? What book are you looking forward to reading this year?