Our family has the tradition of letting the birthday person pick their favorite meal for birthday dinner. Rebecca declared she wanted “Eggs and Watermelon.”
Obviously this was not going to be quite a pleasing meal to everyone, so I added in biscuits and bacon.
Then, Christina (Her big sister who blogs at www.youthfulhomemaker.com) texted me:
MOMMMMM!!!! And sent a Pinterest link to watermelon decorated and flavored cupcakes. So that was quickly added to the menu as well.
Finally, as we were carving the watermelon, we decided, why not make the watermelon beautiful? Then, Christina, once again decided to spruce things up a bit by making watermelon flavored water- a special and beautiful effect that thrilled Rebecca! “Watermelon water!!!”
-Disclaimer: the other children were not so impressed, and Christina improved the flavor by adding an orange into the mix. Isn’t that pretty?
Daniel (6) decorated the white board with the following sign. I’ll interpret: Rebecca Grace Russell Princess.
Finally, surrounded by her family, everyone enjoyed birthday dinner together and sang happy birthday. Please note, her niece Autumn has a birthday in just 15 days, so we let her blow out a candle as well – but she is also having a party on her birthday.