I had the pleasure of reviewing The Kid’s ROTH IRA Handbook: Securing Tax-Free Wealth From a Child’s First Paycheck or Money Answers for Employed Children, Their Parents, the Self-Employed and Entrepreneurs and I think it is a great resource. If given to a homeschool teen, this would count toward a consumer math credit. This book was FULL of great information to help parents and their children understand the ROTH IRA and how using a ROTH IRA can help your child secure tax-free wealth from their very first paycheck.
wish I had this book three years ago when my daughter first entered the world of working. She finally opened her ROTH IRA last fall. This book is user friendly. It has the technical jargon you may need, but has it presented in a very simple way. I think your teen could pick this book up and read it. It is quite thorough. As a former tax consultant for Arthur Andersen, I was impressed with this resource for parents. This book is a winner! I HIGHLY recommend it.