Review: Trigger Memory Company: Times Tales

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I’m in a stage of life where everything my children can do independently is very appealing. One area where my son needed some additional time and study is in the area of multiplication tables. For this reason, we eagerly accepted an opportunity to review the Trigger Memory Co. ‘s Times Tales software.


This program is software that we downloaded onto a computer. One of the things I love about it, is that while it IS computer driven,( which appealed to my 11-year-old son very much) it was NOT internet driven. This is great for several reasons. One: I can let my son use this program entirely independently, even when I have internet access restricted or completely turned off. This is important at this age because of so many security and safety reason. Another reason I love this is that he can download it on a computer we can take with us, even to use in areas where we don’t have internet access.

To use the program, we downloaded it onto our school computer and let him go. I did absolutely nothing but download it and put it on the desktop so that he did not have to click around to find it.

He watched the videos. The videos were fun and entertaining, but at the same time, very efficient. Basically the times tables are presented i a story fashion that the student learns. First the student gets introduced to the characters, each representing numbers. Then, the program gives a story. These stories give life to the numbers and gives the student something to associate with each number. Then, the student reviews the story. The program reads the story aloud, giving pauses for the student to “fill in.”

TimesTales2David enjoyed the program. He seemed like he was learning the information effortlessly. What I found amusing when he was working on it was thtimestales4at his much younger siblings could not stop watching it. More than once I would find them huddled up around him and they would have to be told to back off and give their brother some space. and yet, this continued. Every time I walked away, they were right back, watching the videos. I love when learning occurs by accident for the younger ones.

David reported that he really enjoyed the program and found it effective. I love it because in the past getting him to practice and drill on his times tables was drudgery and he did not do it willingly and eagerly. My younger children are already asking me if they can use the program and are eager to do it.

In addition to the computer component, the program includes printables you can use to reinforce the lessons and to quiz the student. This will make it much more effective for those students who need additional repetition, but perhaps do not want to review the program only on the computer.

I am thankful I had the chance to use this with David. This program is also advertised as helpful with students with disabilities, such as dyslexia. In the past I think part of the problem he had with mastering his times tables included his dyslexia and the resulting fatigue he sometimes experienced when working on rote memory work. Not only has this program helped boost his confidence, but it has also made me very aware that if something is not working for him, it’s very likely someone else has experienced the problem with their student and has figured out a clever solution.

Times Tales by the The Trigger Memory Co REVIEW

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