2012 School Year Plan

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Always and forever I am seeking a way to help be sure there are no gaps in the children’s education and that we are moving forward at an appropriate pace. When I did my December review I realized that at times I have been letting some things slide that really needed more emphasis. So here is the new plan:

For Sarah and Anne, they will spend:

  • 1 hour on math (completing one Saxon Unit) daily.
  • 1 hour on reading (using the Robinson Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum reading list. Most of these can be found free for the Kindle, a tool we will be using a lot this year. You can put a Kindle App on an iPod touch, a computer, a smart phone and a Kindle.)
  • 1 hour of history 3 days per week. They will cover two large books for the remainder of the school year, both of which are highschool level reading: A People’s History of the United States and We, the People.
  • 1 hour of Science 2 days per week. The girls requested to re-do Botany.
  • 1/2 hour of Bible. This will include one lesson in their curriculum, and reading scripture for the balance of the time.
  • 1 hour of writing daily to include: Learning Language Arts through Literature, Foreign Language (Sarah is doing Spanish, Anne is doing Spanish and French), and journaling.
  • 1/2 hour of exercise.
  • 30 minutes of Piano
  • 1 hour of daytime chores and 1 hour of evening chores. Sarah (13) will be responsible for all kitchen cleaning duties and Anne (11) will be responsible for all laundry duties.
  • They both spend 30 minutes with each sibling in one-on-one time.

David’s schedule (age 6) is shorter.
He will do his daily chores and will assist Sarah and Anne with their chores.

Now, to keep everyone moving, they are required to check in with me before they move to the next subject. I quickly scan the work. If I am able to grade it in just a minute or two I will grade it immediately. If it needs more review, I just check mark and date it for grading later.


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