Book Review – Going All The Way by Craig Groeschel

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First, let me say that I did not catch the play on words in this book title until it was pointed out to me by my teenage daughter, but this book is about going all the way in your marriage.

The book I just finished was Going All The Way by Craig Groeschel.  The jacket cover says: “Smart advice for a new generation about love, sex, and happily ever after.”  When I first started reading the book I had to retrain my mind to think of myself as a single person.  This book will be a great resource for a person in their dating or courtship years.  It sets the bar high (it is written by a pastor), but it is practical, funny and straight forward.  This book will help a modern culture young adult learn how to rethink the lies told to them by the media and worldly wisdom in a way that is fresh, not boring.  This pastor is young enough to be in touch with the way young adults are thinking today. 

I liked the approach this pastor takes.  He talks about the reasons for remaining pure, both biblically and practically, and how to do it.  He also offers redemption and a course of action for those young adults who may have already compromised their integrity.  He shows them how and why to get back on course.

He also offers advice for how to proceed once you do meet someone you like, how to go through the dating (or courtship) and engagement with purity and dignity, how to break off a relationship in an appropriate way, and how to have a great marriage once you do meet your future spouse.

I would recommend this book to young adults, particularly those who are in the dating scene, or considering it.  The last few chapters do offer some wisdom for married people that were good reminders, but this book was not intended for those married several years.

From the jacket:”With practical, candid discussions about se*, first dates, integrity, forgiveness, and communication, Craig will help you prepare for and experience a relationship that gives fresh, hope-filled meaning to “going all the way” with the one you love.

I will be passing this book along to a college age young lady in our church.  I think she will enjoy it!

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