Sheet Pan Eggs
I learned to make these when I was trying to find high protein breakfasts for our teenage son. He's allergic to oatmeal, so overnight oats with...

Salad in a Jar- Quick and Healthy Meal Prep
We do lots of meal preps here that make eating healthy quick and easy. One of my favorites lately is Salad in a Jar. You basically chop up any...

21 Date Nights We’ve Done (and how we keep them affordable!)
For the past 20 or so years we have prioritized going on a date night once a week. Here are some of the dates we have done, along with a few tips to...

Homeschoolers, Listen Up! School’s About to Get Buzzworthy
Don’t Miss the Cicadas’ Sing-Along Sale for Homeschool Savings! Their 17-year chorus is here, and the summer cicadas are bringing unmissable deals...

Homemade Pretzel Bread Using the Artiste from Nutrimill
Pretzel Bread- Homemade using the Artiste from Nutrimill There are hundreds of good recipes out there for making Pretzel Bread, but sometimes seeing...

High Protein Pancakes
We love pancakes here, but I wanted the family to have it be a little less junky and have some more staying power. You can start from a mix, or mill...
Book Review: Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them, and Not Burn Out
I just finished reading Carol Topp's book,Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out . If you are thinking of starting or...
Chocolate Zucchini Bread
This is a terrific bread to make in the winter months with zucchini you shredded and froze during the bumper crop months! It warms the house up...

Planning to Visit India? Packing List Essentials
Ivermectin and Azithromycin and Cipro: Speak to your doctor prior to travel. These are what we brought. You will need a prescription for these and...

Schoolhouse Teachers – Resources for Home Education
As you start working to figure out what you want to do for your homeschool classes and enrichment for the next school year, let me remind you about...

Why We Do a No-Spend Month (or two!)
In January (and now February) we have started doing a no-spend challenge. I put the rules we follow in another blog post, but folks have asked me...

Our Rules for No-Spend January
For the past couple of years we have started the year with a commitment to spending nothing. We do still live in the real world, so here is how we...

Review: Earth Breeze Laundry Detergent Eco-Sheets
We recently had the opportunity to try Earth Breeze Laundry Detergent Eco-Sheets. I've been interested in them for awhile but am always hesitant to...

Review: NutriMill Harvest Grain Mill
I got the opportunity to review a New Limited Edition Harvest Grain Mill in my color of choice. I chose GOLD! First, I already love my current...

Goodbye VHS- Going Minimal
Why is it so hard for me to get rid of things we are no longer using? One area it has taken me a long time to finally cut back is VHS videos. We...

Decluttering Cookbooks
I cook a lot. Lots of people to feed, lots of meals a day. Six of us still live here, we homeschool and work from home. Getting rid of cookbooks was...

Going Minimal
Tip: Donations are best put in a black bag, so you cannot see what is inside and change your mind! If I am decluttering a large area, I may have a...

Beddys Review
Jordan Page talks about identifying "Pain Points" in your house. One of my pain points was my youngest daughter's bed. She is eight, and she shares...

Fall 2020 School? You CAN do this!
This week many of my friends have started back to school with a year that looks way different than they hoped. Some are homeschooling for the first...

We have a College Graduate!
Anne Mary's final grades have been posted so I can officially share that she has Graduated with her Bachelor's degree with a 3.98 /4.00 G.P.A. She...

The Modern Library
I have long been a lover of books, and as a homeschool mom to six, have utilized the library to save thousands of dollars on books. But, today's...

Prepping Food Ahead for College
To make life simpler, prepare meals ahead to freeze for busy days. This has become such a normal part of my routine, that I do not really consider...

Yummy Candied Pecans recipe!
1 pound of pecan halves 1 egg white 1 Tablespoon of water 1 cup of sugar 1 teaspoon of cinnamon he egg white until it is foamy. Add the water and...

Productivity When You Are Stress-Frozen
There are lots of ways to reduce stress in your life, and that is probably a terrific starting point, but this article is not about that. These are...